Analyzing National/State Policies, Guidance & Curricula: A Collaborative Database and Locally-Led Analyses
The analysis of intended outputs from national policies, curricula and other official government documents is a vital part of locally led and globally published research and reports in education. This page describes a GNDE-led initiative that will use crowd-sourcing to construct a global database on country and state/provincial documents and then encourage local researchers to conduct analyses/studies within their respective jurisdictions or with other jurisdictions. Researchers, officials and practitioners will have access to the database through their respective national/state and provincial associations of Deans of Education who have agreed to take over and update the list of documents for their jurisdiction. This GNDE initiative will also invite researchers, global organizations and UN agencies to use the database to monitor and report on topics within their mandates. The data base could also be helpful to UNESCO in monitoring country policies related to its policy/program framework, Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development which will be reported on every four years. There are many topic-specific research studies on human rights, climate education, science programs and others that can benefit from a crowd-sourced, locally updated global database of national documents. Often the identification/collection of such documents is the first, time-consuming step for most studies. Researchers will need to define the scope of their studies but a document database could enable such studies to get off to a faster start. This GNDE initiative will build on a project started by several FRESH Partners, a coalition of UN agencies, donors and global NGOs which has started document lists for almost 100 countries and states/provinces. This ISHN-UNICEF-UNESCO-SFU study on School Health, Nutrition & Development had to be delayed but its wide lens approach on inclusion, equity and systems change permits us to adapt and create a Template for Locating & Categorizing the Policy, Curriculum and Other Documents. Examples of how this template was used can be seen in these examples from Manitoba-Canada and South Africa. In addition, this initiative will use a "web crawler" tool to create site maps of ministry web sites. More importantly, this standardized method for listing and reviewing policy, curriculum and program documents can be used by local researchers within jurisdictions to publish reports to encourage information exchange and cross-sector discussion within the education sector and with other ministries and agencies. (Note: The UNESCO Recommendation (policy-program framework) (p18, s69) calls for stakeholders to participate in review processes and produce reports and other materials.The Guidance document (p.6) recommending follow-up actions by countries to the UN Transformation Education Summit suggests that local researchers be encouraged to do local, specific studies supporting system changes.) This GNDE initiative is suggesting that education faculties collaboratively determine themes to be explored in their national analyses of the government documents. If you and.or your colleagues are interested in learning more or to start a conversation among the education faculties in your jurisdiction, please contact Doug McCall at [email protected] This page on the GNDE web site will be the home for this initiative. please return here for updates or watch for more information in the GNDE newsletter. |
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