GNDE Activities: Inviting Deans, Colleagues and Faculties to Participate
The strength of any association rests with the individual contributions of its members. The GNDE is taking this maxim to heart as we start out by reaching out to individual Deans of Education, former or incoming Deans and other faculty members with an invitation to participate in or initiate GNDE activities and meetings. As well, individuals and faculties can simply sign up to our GNDE email list to be kept informed of global and UN initiatives as well as GNDE activities. The benefits to GNDE from individual participation are obvious. The benefits to individual Deans, colleagues and faculties are:
Be sure to sign up to the GNDE email list as a first step. If you have a suggestion or would like to share or initiate an activity with global implications, please contact our interim, volunteer web site coordinator Doug McCall. The interim Chair of the GNDE network, prof Irma Eloff, may also be contacted for further details. |
A global network...
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GNDE Mission: Learning, Teaching, Research, Community