GNDE Webinars & Workshops
Timely webinars on selected topics and hands-on workshops that share the expertise and experiences of GNDE members are an important part of our strategic plan. See below for a list of upcoming webinars and web meetings and scroll down further for the recordings and slide presentations of previous sessions.
GNDE will also organize side meetings and workshops for its members and others in conjunction with other conferences organized by partner organizations. Click on these links to learn more about planned and previous workshops:
Timely webinars on selected topics and hands-on workshops that share the expertise and experiences of GNDE members are an important part of our strategic plan. See below for a list of upcoming webinars and web meetings and scroll down further for the recordings and slide presentations of previous sessions.
GNDE will also organize side meetings and workshops for its members and others in conjunction with other conferences organized by partner organizations. Click on these links to learn more about planned and previous workshops:
Upcoming GNDE & Other Webinars & Meetings of Interest to Education Deans
Session Description
How to Access/Readings & Recordings
March 2024 (Date TBC)
Initial Teacher Education Programs: The Primary Gateway into Teaching
Are ITE programs and faculties Undervalued, Underused, Under-Examined and Under-Funded? Extract from the GNDE Foundations Document (published as a book chapter) "Faculties or schools of education are the single most important element of the workforce development process that creates a pool of qualified, effective and dedicated teachers for local education authorities and education systems. Initial teacher education programs recruit candidates into the profession, provide and certify their initial training and additional qualifications, help to induct and retain teachers in the system, provide timely and relevant research on teaching and learning to guide curriculum development and implementation as well as other school and professional practices. Education faculties offer career pathways for recruiting prospective teachers from or to serve minority, isolated and disadvantaged communities or for upgrading the skills and capacities of those assigned to teach without adequate preparation due to ad-hoc or short-term strategies responding to emergency or other circumstances." |
Participants Link to Access this session
Zoom details are: Meeting ID: 871 5000 6502 Passcode: 798242 |
Archive of GNDE Webinars & Meetings
Session Description
How to Access/Readings & Recordings
9 June 2020
(London, UK-13:00, Washington, DC-08:00 Hong Kong-20:00) |
Transforming the Education Workforce: A Vision from the Education Commission
During this webinar Amy Bellinger and Katie Godwin of the Education Commission will present this vision and Carole G Basile and Martin Henry will act as discussants.The session chair is Michael Owen, Dean of Education, Brock University, Canada and GNDE Steering Committee member. * Click here for brief biographies of the speakers |
Click on this Participants Link to access the session. Please arrive a few minutes before the start of the session.
Recommended Readings & Resources
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April 2019
GNDE Side Meeting & Virtual Consultation on GNDE Mission & Activities, American Education Research Association (AERA) Conference, Toronto, 2019
The Global Network of Deans of Education was pleased to organize its first meeting and workshop at the conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) held in Toronto, Canada on April 5-9, 2019. The session included Skype-based presentations and discussions with three UN/Global agencies; the UNESCO Teacher Education Task Force, the Education Workforce Initiative of the Education Commission chaired by Gordon Brown UN Envoy, and the OECD Education 2030 Initiative. See the detailed agenda for more information and speakers. Following the discussion with UN/Global agencies, participants were asked for their views on how the Global Network of Deans of Education should evolve. See this description of the GNDE planned activities developed thus far. One part of that GNDE plan includes cooperation with other international education organizations and faculty/research associations concerned with initial and post-graduate teacher education. A number of existing networks and organizations were invited to the meeting to explore potential collaboration. Subsequent to that open discussion, participants will be invited to join the Interim GNDE Steering Committee for a discussion of next steps. The meeting was open to all interested in networking to exchange information and knowledge as well as providing input on behalf of Deans of education to a variety of UN agencies GNDE expresses its thanks to The Centre for the Study of Education Policy & Leadership at Simon Fraser university for hosting this GNDE meeting. If you are interested in the work of GNDE, kindly add your name lo the GNDE email list. |
Here is a recording of the presentations and ensuing discussions. Also, please refer to these notes taken from the discussions.