GNDE STEERING COMMITTEEThe Steering Committee members of the Global Network of Deans of Education (2019 - current): STEERING COMMITTEE: Irma Eloff (Chair of GNDE, Founder of African Deans of Education Forum and former Dean of Education at the University of Pretoria) Douglas McCall (Coordinator of GNDE, Executive Director, International School Health Network) Lynn Gangone (President and CEO, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, AACTE) A.Lin Goodwin (Former Dean of Education, The University of Hong Kong and Thomas More Brennan Chair of Education at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College) Michael Owen (Professor, Faculty of Education, Brock University. Former executive member, Association of Canadian Deans of Education Susan Ledger (Dean of Education, University of Newcastle and Specialist Member, Australian Council of Deans of Education) Zoe Robertson (Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Edinburgh Chair of the Scottish Council of Deans of Education) Suzanne Kapelari (Dean of Education, University of Innsbruck) James Noble-Rogers (Executive Director of the UK Universities Council for the Education of Teachers) SPECIAL ADVISORS: INTERSECTORAL COLLABORATION: Lorena Medina (Dean emeritus and professor, Facultad de Educación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and former Chair of the Latin American Network of Deans of Education) STRATEGY & EQUITY: John Fischetti (Pro-Vice Chancellor Education and Arts, University of Newcastle, Australia) UNESCO TEACHER TASK FORCE LIAISON: William Gaudelli (Dean of the College of Education at Lehigh University) EDUCATION POLICY & EQUITY: Daniel Laitsch (Dean of Education and Founding Director, Centre for the Study of Educational Leadership and Policy, Simon Fraser University) ACCREDITATION & QUALITY IN FACULTY OF EDUCATION PROGRAMS Margery McMahon (Professor, University of Glasgow, Former Chair of the Scottish Council of Deans of Education) SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS Angela Fitzgerald, Incoming Executive Dean, Faculty of Education at the Higher Colleges in Technology, UAE |