Joint Educator Statement on Rebuilding, Renewing and Transforming Education & Other Systems
Several global organizations representing educators working within and with school systems have contributed to a joint statement on education reform, recovery and improvement. The statement offers advice on promoting coherent, sustainable, incremental and significant changes to school and other systems. After extensive consultation and collaboration the Joint Statement on Rebuilding, Renewing & Transforming School & Other Systems was published in November 2023 within a dedicated web site.The web site includes links to several global initiatives seeking and promoting change. The paper is now being endorsed by the educator organizations who are also using it as a reference point when they intervene in various global, regional and national discussions. the joint statement web site also includes a position paper providing the research evidence, a dialogue on the steps towards reform and elements of systems that need to be considered and aligned in any reform strategy. GNDE is taking the lead on preparing brief summaries of these steps and elements in cooperation with its members and institutional contacts. The GNDE invites individuals and organizations to consider and endorse this joint educator statement as part of their work in rebuilding after the Covid 19 pandemic, renewing their commitments to inclusive schools and transforming their systems for the future. Endorsements from organizations and individuals have continued here. Global Educator Organizations who have contributed to the development of the Joint Statement included:
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GNDE Mission: Learning, Teaching, Research, Community